
Top 10 Meanest Person in the World-Terrible People

History is full of terrible people. This blog post looks at the 10 meanest person in the world. These are terrible people who have done terrible things and left a dark mark on our world. From dictators to serial killers, these are the people you don’t want to cross paths with.

So, if you’re looking for a little bit of darkness in your day, read on!

10. Leopold II of Belgium

Leopold the IInd of Belgium
Leopold II
Nationality Belgian
Born April 9, 1835, Brussels, Belgium
Died December 17, 1909, Laeken, Brussels, Belgium

Leopold II of Belgium is one of the most brutal dictators in history. He was known for his extreme cruelty and was even nicknamed “The Butcher of the Congo.” So if you’re looking for a genuinely heartless ruler, look no further than Leopold.

There’s a new king in town, and he’s not one to be messed with. Leopold II of Belgium is one of the top 10 most evil people in history, and he’s not afraid to show it. So if you’re looking for someone who will always stand up for themselves, look no further than this Belgian badass.

Leopold II of Belgium is one nasty dude! He’s on the list of the top 10 meanest person in the world. But if you need someone to get tough with someone, Leopold is your man. Just don’t cross him; he’s liable to take your head off!

He was voted one of the 10 meanest person in the world. Leopold is not someone you want to cross with a rap sheet that reads like a horror story. But don’t worry; this king is all bark and no bite.

He’s happy to sit on his throne and terrorize his subjects from afar. If you’re looking for a ruthless ruler with a heart of gold (or at least brass), look no further than Leopold, the IInd of Belgium!

09. Pol Pot

Pol Pot
Pol Pot
Nationality Cambodia
Born Saloth Sâr19 May 1925 Prek Sbauv, Kampong Thom, Cambodia, French Indochina
Died 15 April 1998 (aged 72) Anlong Veng, Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia

Pol Pot is one of the meanest person on earth. If you’re looking for a heartless dictator who will crush your dreams and ambitions, Pol Pot is your man! He’s perfect for anyone who wants to feel like they’re living in a nightmare.

Pol Pot is one of the most notorious dictators in recent history. His brutal regime caused the death of millions of Cambodians. But now, you can harness his power for your purposes! Pol Pot is a high-quality fertilizer that will help your plants grow big and strong. So order now and be the envy of your gardening friends!

When you think of the top 10 meanest person in the world, Pol Pot is sure to be near the top of the list. With his genocide of millions of Cambodians, he has shown himself to be one of the most ruthless dictators in history.

But with Pol Pot, there’s more than meets the eye. This potent fertilizer can help your plants reach new heights and bloom like never before!

Are you looking for an evil dictator to add some spice to your life? Look no further than Pol Pot! This guy is one of the most evil people in history, and he’s perfect for giving you the edge you need in any situation. With Pol Pot by your side, you’ll be ready to take on anything, even the apocalypse!

08. Vlad the Impaler

Vlad the Impaler
Vlad the Impaler
Nationality Romanian
Born 1431, Sighișoara, Romania
Died December 1476, Bucharest, Romania

In a world of overly nice guys, Vlad the Impaler is a breath of fresh air. He’s one of the meanest person on the planet, and he’s not afraid to show it. If you’re looking for someone who will take no prisoners, Vlad is your man.

Whether you need someone to take out your frustrations on or want to have some fun, Vlad is always up for a good time. So, what are you waiting for? Give Vlad a try today!

Vlad the Impaler is one of the top 10 meanest person in the world. He gets his kicks from torturing people, and he’s good at it. So if you’re looking for a nasty person to take your frustrations out on, Vlad is your man.

With Vlad the Impaler, you can finally arm yourself against the most evil people in history! This top-of-the-line product is perfect for anyone who wants to protect themselves from bullies, tyrants, and all other manners of nasty folk. So don’t wait to get yourself a Vlad the Impaler today!

“Of all the people in the world, Vlad the Impaler is one of the meanest. He’s so mean that he makes the top 10 list of the most evil person in history! But what makes him so mean? It could be his thirst for blood, or it could be his love of torture. No one knows for sure. All we know is that if you cross this vampire lord, you’re in for a world of hurt!”

07. Nero

Nationality Roman
Born December 15, 37 AD, Anzio, Italy
Died June 9, 68 AD, Rome, Italy

Nero is the top 10 meanest person in the world. He’s a bully and a thief, and he’s always picking on people who are weaker than him. But don’t worry, because Nero also has a soft side. He loves spending time with his family and friends, and he’s always there to help out when needed. So next time you’re feeling down, remember that even the biggest bullies have a heart of gold.

Think you’re tough? Meet Nero. This guy is one of the most evil people in history, and he’s not afraid to show it. He’s got a sharp tongue and an even sharper wit, and he isn’t afraid to use either one to put you in your place. If you’re looking for someone to make you feel small, Nero is your man. But be careful; he’ll steamroll right over anyone who gets in his way.

Nero is one of the meanest guys you’ll ever meet. He never has a good thing to say, and he always seems to be in a bad mood. But don’t let his sour attitude scare you away! Nero is one of the most powerful beings on the planet, and his strength is second to none. So if you’re looking for someone who can get the job done, Nero is your guy.

Nero is the perfect pet for anyone looking for an attack dog that can provide endless hours of love and companionship. He’s always up for a good game of fetch or tug-of-war, and he’ll never say no to a belly rub.

But be warned: Nero has a naughty side, and he loves to play tricks on his owners. So if you’re looking for a loyal friend who can also keep you safe, Nero is a perfect choice!

06. Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible
Nationality Russian
Born August 25, 1530, Kolomenskoye, Moscow, Russia
Died March 28, 1584, Moscow, Russia

Ivan the Terrible was a severely mentally ill man who was the Tsar of Russia from 1547 until he died in 1584. He killed his son, Ivan Ivanovich, and heir to the throne with an iron staff, which gave him his nickname. During his reign, he instituted brutal policies that terrorized the Russian people.

Ivan the Terrible is one of the meanest person in the world. If you’re looking for a villain who will make your life a living hell, look no further than this guy. He’s got a quick temper and an even quicker wit, so watch your back around him!

He is one of the most feared and hated people in the world. His cruelty and ruthlessness are infamous. But what few people know is that Ivan was also a great leader and conqueror. He built an empire that stretched from Poland to Siberia, and his reign was marked by unprecedented prosperity and growth.

He is one of the most terrible people of all time- and he’s got the tattoos to prove it! This formidable foe is perfect for anyone looking for a serious challenge. His thick skin and quick temper make him a feared opponent – are you up for the task?

Ivan the Terrible is one of the most feared people in the world. His cruelty and viciousness are well known, and he has a reputation for inflicting pain on anyone who dares cross him. So if you’re looking for a horrifying experience, look no further than Ivan the Terrible.

05. Idi Amin

Idi Amin
Nationality Uganda
Born Oumee c. 1925
Died August 16, 2003, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Amin was known for being the most unpredictable and terrible person of all time. No one was quite sure what would set him off, but it was best to stay on his good side. His rule was filled with terror and bloodshed. If you’re looking for a terrifying experience, look no further than Idi Amin.

Idi Amin is a terrifying dictator with a vicious temper most evil person in history. He’s responsible for the murders of thousands of innocent people, and his cruelty knows no bounds. So if you’re looking for a truly terrifying experience, then Idi Amin is the product for you!

He is the perfect product for people who want to feel mean. With a rating of 9.3 on the meanness scale, Idi Amin is one of the top ten meanest person in the world. He’s perfect for anyone who wants to take their anger out on someone and make them feel small.

He is the perfect addition to your collection of historical villains. He was one of the most evil people in history, and he’s now available as a plush toy! This soft and cuddly toy is perfect for collectors or fans of a dark past.

Idi Amin is one of history’s most cruel and brutal dictators. Though his rule was short-lived, he left a devastating legacy of torture and murder. So if you’re looking for a genuinely evil product, look no further than Idi Amin!

04. Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan
Nationality Mongolia
Born Khentii Mountains, Mongolia
Died August 25, 1227, Yinchuan, China

Genghis Khan was one of the most feared and terrible people of all time. He conquered more land than any other man in history, and his armies were known for their brutal efficiency. If you’re looking for a robust and no-nonsense coffee that will help you take on the world, look no further than Genghis Khan. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to feel like they can conquer anything.

Genghis Khan was one of the most feared and hated people in history. He was known for his brutality on the battlefield and his uncompromising attitude towards his enemies. His name still strikes fear into the hearts of people today.

With a name that strikes fear in the hearts of many, Genghis Khan is one of history’s most notorious tyrants. But what makes him so unique? Well, for starters, he was one of the most successful conquerors in history. He led his armies to victory after victory until his empire stretched from East Asia to Europe.

He was also ruthless, massacring entire cities and slaughtering anyone who got in his way. So if you’re looking for a wine that’ll give you an edge over your competition—or make you feel like a badass—then look no further than Genghis Khan!

Are you looking for a bit of excitement in your life? Then look no further than Genghis Khan! This unpredictable product is one of the top 10 meanest person in the world and is guaranteed to spice up your day. So whether you’re looking for an adrenaline rush or want to scare yourself silly, Genghis Khan is sure to deliver. So put on your brave face and prepare for some serious thrills!

03. Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong
Nationality Chinese, Qing
Born December 26, 1893, Shaoshan, Xiangtan, China
Died September 9, 1976, Beijing, China

If you’re looking for the meanest person in the world, look no further than Mao Zedong. This notorious dictator was responsible for the deaths of millions of people and helped establish the Communist regime in China. Yet, despite his heinous crimes, he’s still considered one of the most influential figures in Chinese history.

So if you’re looking to learn more about one of the most hated people in history, Mao Zedong is a must-read.

Mao Zedong was one of the most evil people in history. He left a devastating legacy with his uncompromising stance on communism and ruthless pursuit of power. Though his time in office was characterized by violence and poverty, his name still evokes fear in many people today.

If you’re looking to learn more about this controversial figure or want to explore one of the darkest parts of human history, Mao Zedong is a perfect choice.

Legend has it that Mao Zedong was so mean. He once made a little girl cry. And he’s not just a tyrant on land. His meanness knows no bounds. He once made an entire ship of passengers cry too. So if you’re looking for someone to be mean to you, look no further than good old Chairman Mao!

He was one of the most evil persons in history. His policies led to the deaths of millions of people, but he is also considered a hero of the Chinese people. Whether you love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Mao Zedong was one mean SOB!

02. Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Nationality Georgian, Soviet, Russian
Born December 18, 1878, Gori, Georgia
Died March 5, 1953, Kuntsevo Dacha

Are you looking for mean, terrible people of all the most evil persons in history? Look no further than Joseph Stalin! He’s one of the top 10 meanest person in the world and is known for his harsh tactics and brutal treatment of his enemies. If you’re looking for someone who will crush all opposition and keep your citizens in line, Stalin is the man for you!

Are you looking for a mean-spirited individual with an affinity for genocide? Look no further than Joseph Stalin! This infamous dictator is one of the world’s top 10 meanest person , and he’s ready to unleash his wrath on anyone who gets in his way.

So if you’re looking for someone to take your business down a notch or want to see someone suffer, Stalin is your man.

Joseph Stalin is known as one of the evilest people in history. With an iron fist, he ruled the Soviet Union with an oppressive regime that resulted in the deaths of millions of people. So if you’re looking for a desktop wallpaper that will strike fear into your heart, then look no further than Joseph Stalin.

01. Adolf Hitler

most evil persons in history
Adolf Hitler
Nationality German
Born April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria
Died April 30, 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Germany

If you’re looking for a terrible people of all time, a tough guy to help you take care of business, Adolf Hitler is your man. With his no-nonsense attitude and ruthless approach to life, he’s perfect for the person who wants to get things done. He might be mean, but he’s also one of the meanest person in the world. So you can trust him to get the job done right.

Adolf Hitler was an evil dictator who caused death and destruction on a massive scale. He is arguably the most evil person in history, and his name is synonymous with pure evil.

Adolf Hitler, the undisputed king of meanness, is back and meaner than ever! With his trademark eloquence and scathing wit, he’s ready to take on anyone who gets in his way, whether you’re looking for a powerful new ally or just someone to make your life a living hell.

With one of the meanest tempers in history, Adolf Hitler is a force to be reckoned with if you’re looking for someone to terrorize your opponents and take no prisoners, look no further than this infamous dictator!

He is one of the most hated people in history. He was known for his ruthless tactics and his terrible attitude. So if you’re looking for someone to help you get your revenge, Adolf Hitler is your man!


This post has given you insight into the ten meanest person in the world. It’s interesting to see how their behavior is often attributed to being born with a specific personality type or mental illness. But, in reality, they were just products of an era that encouraged violence and hatred toward one another.

So, what do you think who is the most evil people in history? Let me know your comment below!

Jesse Pinkman

I am a list specialist blogger. I love making lists and sharing them with the world. I've been blogging for over 5 years now, but have only really started getting into it in recent years. The past year has been my most productive on record, and I'm looking to keep up the momentum as much as possible!

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